The proposals displayed at the exhibition related to the wider site, incorporating residential development and Avenue Park public open space included in phase 1 but also including proposals for the local centre and landmark building to be brought forward through subsequent phases of development.
The event was well attended by 110 people. Feedback forms were provided at the event and sought general comments relating to layout, scale, appearance and landscaping. A total of 20 forms were received with 85% of respondents confirming that they found the exhibition to be a worthwhile event.
Positive comments that were received included the following:
Concerns relating to traffic generation/congestion, highways safety and access were by far the most common, raised by 70% of the total number of respondents. Specific concerns included:
Other common concerns related to drainage and flooding, environmental issues, and design. These include:
‘Monks Brook already regularly floods after heavy rainfall, sometimes making large areas of Fleming Park inaccessible. I am concerned to see that the additional discharge from the development will be directed into this watercourse’.
In addition to the public exhibition, pre-application consultation took place with Eastleigh Borough Council and other relevant stakeholders. Comments received at this stage informed a detailed review of the application proposals and resulted in the following amendments being made prior to submission of a reserved matters application to Eastleigh Borough Council:
· The definition of a series of character areas using different base materials, pavement surfaces and landscaping.
· Amendments to the parking layout for Plot 1 to reduce its impact on the streetscene.
· An increase in the number of car parking spaces for visitors.
· Amendments to the parking layout throughout including substitution of double stacked parking spaces for single stacked parking spaces.
· An increase in the width of the spine road to accommodate bus services.
· Amendments to the mix of affordable homes to include additional 3 bed 4 person units.
The submitted application represents completion of the pre-application consultation process and the project team are committed to maintaining an ongoing dialogue with the local community and other stakeholders during the course of the application process and towards future delivery of the scheme. This will entail the following:
· Regular updates to the website to inform the wider public about progress with the application.
· Provision of a newsletter to all residents originally invited to the public exhibition updating them on progress with the application.