
Office working within the Government Guidelines relating to Covid-19

Type General
Assessor’s name T. Oliver/S. Matthews Locations/sites Highwood Head Office
Date 10/09/20 Review period Weekly


This assessment considers the risks associated with the COVID19 pandemic whilst working within the Highwood head office.

Current Guidelines as updated 13/8/20.



  • The following controls are to be complied with by all employees working at Highwood Head Office.
  • The rota system will continue, with employees confirming weekly with the HR Manager their attendance, a week in advance. Employees are encouraged to work from the office where possible, in accordance with this risk assessment. (Please refer to the August issue of the Highwood Operational Guidance document for information related to this point).
  • Under no circumstances should you come to the office if you, or any member of your household, have COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Anyone who suspects they may be infected, should contact NHS test and trace website and arrange a test immediately.
  • 2-metre social distancing must maintained.  Working within this distance will only be accepted where protective measures are in place e.g. screens.
Hazard Who could be harmed/how Existing controls

Risk rating (L x S)

Travelling to the office

Office staff 

  • You should travel to work alone or get a lift from a member of your household if they are not self-isolating.
  • Public transport should be avoided.
  • Site visits – should only be conducted when essential.
  • Car sharing should always be avoided.

2 x 3 = 6


Occupation levels Office staff 
  • For the below measures to be achieved and effective it is imperative for the occupation levels to be controlled. To achieve this, a rota will be established, and you will be advised of the days you are able to attend the office. 
  • Total staffing levels are now at 22, this is approximately less than half the maximum capacity (this will serve as the factor of safety).
  • The rota will be formulated in line with the current government guidelines.
  • We will ensure that a first aider is always included on the rota.
  • Please familiarise yourself with the office designation plan and occupancy level for each zone and ensure you always comply with the levels set.
  • Face to face meetings should be avoided unless necessary, Microsoft Teams being utilised as an alternative.
  • Physical meetings should only happen in circumstances where it is essential, and all other options have been exhausted. If this is the case, facilities have been provided outside in the barn and should be used if the weather permits; if not the Boardroom and Link room can be used but with no more than four people within the Link Meeting room and six people in the Boardroom. The windows/door should be opened in advance of the meeting and at no time should the 2-metre distancing measures be breached.
  • Guidelines are based on the office designation plan contained within Appendix 01.

3 x 4 =12


Entry and exit to the office Office staff 
  • Immediately after unlocking and entering the office, wash hands thoroughly using the sanitiser station next to the reception desk.
  • To avoid congestion at the main entrance all other entrances will be opened at the start of the day by the first person in and staff within each zone should use their designated entrance and exit – see Appendix 01.
  • If your designated access is not entrance 1 then you should log on and off the Time Moto system via the app (Time Moto 1).
  • Where possible, keep internal doors open if it necessary to open/close doors clean hands afterwards.
  • Emergency evacuation should continue as normal; you should exit the building via your nearest exit, meeting at the muster point whilst maintaining social distancing if possible.
  • The office will be notified of deliveries via the bell on reception, in all cases this should be contactless and you should not sign delivery tickets and should ask for the delivery to be left in the reception and notify the addressee.
  • All deliveries should be wiped down and hands cleaned before and after handling.

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Circulation Office staff
  • You must always maintain a 2m distance from colleagues.
  • Occupancy levels within each zone must always be maintained.
  • You must only use your designated workstation and not share desks/phones/keypads etc.
  • Do not pass on in corridors or stairwells; retreat to a safe distance and let others pass.
  • If others encroach into your 2m physical distancing zone do not hesitate to challenge them and if they repeatedly breach the guidelines, then please notify your line manager.

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Persons experiencing symptoms of COVID19

Office staff

  • Ensure all contact details are up to date on BreatheHR.
  • If you or a member of your household are unwell with symptoms of Covid-19 you should not travel to or attend the office under any circumstances. You should follow the stay at home guidance issued by Public Health England and notify your line manager.

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Symptoms of COVID19 onset while at work

Office staff

  • If any person displays or reports symptoms of Covid-19 they must leave the building by the closest possible exit, return home quickly and directly, and follow the stay at home guidance for households issued by Public Health England.
  • If the person is unable to leave the building safely on their own, we will ask them to remain in place, clear the area and we will call 111 for advice.
  • We will clear the floor/ area that has been occupied by the person, inform all persons that have been in contact with them of the situation and pass on recommendations made by NHS 111.
  • We will then arrange for the relevant office area to be deep cleaned.

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Eating and drinking

Office staff

  • Only pre-prepared meals and refillable drinks bottles from home are permitted and are to be consumed at your workstation.
  • Sharing of food is not permitted amongst colleagues – including birthday cakes.
  • All waste should be disposed of immediately.
  • Tea, coffee, and cold drink making is permitted but please obtain a glass or mug from the kitchen and retain for your sole use washing it at the end of the day and leaving it on your desk.

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Use of the office

All staff,


Those coming into secondary contact with surfaces could develop symptoms of the virus.

  • The areas of the building in use must be kept to a minimum.


  • Designated toilets only to be used – See Appendix 01
  • Single use only.
  • ‘Toilet in use’ signs are provided on the door and should be used.
  • Wash hands before/after use and where possible, wipe surfaces used.


  • Single use only, do not congregate, use, and then leave.
  • Clean surfaces used e.g. kettle, handles, worktops etc.
  • Fridges may be used if it is essential to refrigerate your pre-prepared food.
  • The microwave can be used but must be wiped down with sanitiser before and after use.
  • The oven and other food preparation appliances are not to be used.

 Communal areas/printers etc.

  • Maintain social distancing, allowing other to pass by moving away if required.
  • Clean surfaces and your own hands after using the printers.
  • Keep doors open to reduce the potential for handles/push plates to be touched.
  • Clean your personal workstations and use sanitiser regularly.

 Hand hygiene

  • Individuals should avoid touching eyes, mouth, or nose with unwashed hands, particularly after coughing or sneezing.
  • Hands should be washed with adequate soap or sanitiser immediately.
  • Hand sanitiser stations are located throughout the office. These are to be used regularly.
  • Soap and washing facilities available should be used regularly throughout the day, every two hours as a minimum.
  • Small containers of hand sanitiser located on each workstation – refills/replacements can be requested from Sally Cotter.

Work surfaces cleaning

  • Door handles, handrails and high trafficked areas will be cleaned by a designated person at least two times a day.
  • The cleaning company will attend daily to clean all surfaces and empty all bins.
  • Staff are encouraged to wipe down their workstations at the end of each day with the surface cleaner provided within each zone.
  • Keep office temperature at a reduced level and keep doors and windows open where possible, to allow air to circulate.

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Closing the office at the end of the day

All staff

 Before leaving the office each day:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly first. Use disinfectant spray and a clean cloth to wipe down personal work areas.
  • The last person to leave the office is to check all exit doors and windows to ensure they are closed.

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Operating procedures

It is essential, and indeed everyone’s personal responsibility to work in accordance with the directions outlined above.

For individuals displaying symptoms, reduce potential spread by leaving the workplace and return home immediately. Contact should be made with your line manager, the HR Manager and NHS 111 for further guidance.

Risk Rating explained

Risk ratings are calculated by considering the likelihood of an event occurring along with the severity of the potential consequence should an accident occur. After considering existing control measures, values are assigned to the likelihood and severity from the scales below and these figures multiplied to establish the risk rating.

  5 10 15 20 25
  4 8 12 16 20
Probability  3 6 9 12 15
  2 4 6 8 10
  1 2 3 4 5

What do your risk ratings mean?

  Risk is categorised as LOW: Look to reduce risk if practicable.
  Risk has been categorised as MEDIUM: Plan your action to reduce the risk immediately.
  Risk has been categorised as HIGH: Immediate action required to reduce the risk.